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Minori Yamazaki

Plastic Artist, Space Designer and Installation Producer, Light Art and Artwork coordinator


デザイナー  アーチスト クリエーター 

空間デザイン イベント演出デザイン

立方体万華鏡 ユニバーサルアート


Minori Yamazaki invented this 3D cubic kaleidoscope "CUMOS"
[polyhedral closed box kaleidoscope]

“At first, I was trying to capture the vast cosmos within a tiny box that would fit neatly in my hand. Then, I became fascinated by the mystery of the finiteness and infinity of life.”

While studying at the Tokyo National University of Fine Art and Music, Yamazaki began to create 3-dimensional kaleidoscopes. The repetitive reflection of the ray of light makes an infinite macro universe within a tiny micro box “CUMOS”, and the infinite universe appears in front of you when

looking through the loophole of the tiny box.

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Plastic art, Installation art. Space design, Cubic Kaleidoscope.
Professor Emeritus of Joshibi University Fine Art and Design.

© 2020 by MINORI YAMAZAKI  ART & DESIGN     Unomori Sagamihara Kanagawa 252-0301 JAPAN

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